Leonardo, the new tintometric software by ABC
After a few years of R&D comes Leonardo, the software developed to support you when using the ABC tintometric system. Leonardo provides you with cool new functions, all bundled into an intuitive, modern interface. You can organise your work to the best, and speed up your daily work with the tinting machine, reducing lead-times and increasing your productivity.
With Leonardo, you can manage the historical archive easily, grouping the activities and categorizing them by customer and specific site, as you prefer. The deliveries history eliminates problems of changes in the formulas over time, and lets you track what was done previously for that same customer/construction site, so you are all set to provide the product again in the same colour as the one of the first delivery. Colouring is easy to change, starting from the chosen formula. You can also start from colours of competitors' colour-cards, and formulation is automatic using the integrated calculation engine. And for all the products for which the formula is not available, you can use the search for the closest colour to the one you want.
Numerous units of measure and fractions of an ounce are provided for display and printing. You can also produce a custom package that helps to easily manage samples as well. A simple Paint Calculator is also integrated in the software for estimating the quantity of product required depending on the surfaces to be painted.
Leonardo is also at the forefront in exploiting new digital technology. For users who register at our dedicated portal, a free cloud backup service of the local database is automatically provided, so even if a computer fails in the store, your data is safe and can be quickly and easily restored. Lastly, the direct link to the product pages of the Novacolor website lets you view the product features and download technical and safety data-sheets, so you can get all of the colouring and other information from just one portal.
The interface is intuitive and attractive, and the continuous development of new enhanced functions makes Leonardo your one-stop, unique and innovative tool.
ABC Cromie: the professional colour-matching system for the building industry
ABC offers its retailers an innovative professional tinting system for the building industry that lets you reproduce an almost infinite range of colours. The colouring of ABC finishes is done with the specific tinting system, which is ideal for retailers who deal with the building sector. The ABC Cromie colour-matching system lets you colour a wide range of water-based products for interiors and exteriors quickly and easily. The colour-matching system is safe and accurate in reproducing the colours and keeping stocks down.
The benefits of this system are clear:
- ease of use;
- reliability;
- efficiency;
- reducing stock levels.
The colour formulas were studied according to the characteristics of the product and were made available only after the characteristics of reliability and repeatability had been met. The system includes:
- a complete range of products for decorating and protecting wall backgrounds;
- 1-2-3 tinting bases per product;
- 16 specific colouring pastes for water-based and high-concentration products.